
Episode 14: The Karen Congregation

We talk about ACE, or Agency, Consistency, and Engagement in RPG sessions and campaigns. Then we take a look at the Awfully Cheerful Engine and try and exorcise the ghost of Dr. Alexander’s ex-wife from the Alexander building.

Episode 14: The Karen Congregation

We talk about ACE, or Agency, Consistency, and Engagement in RPG sessions and campaigns. Then we take a look at the Awfully Cheerful Engine and try and exorcise the ghost of Dr. Alexander’s ex-wife from the Alexander building.

Awfully Cheerful Engine! A roleplaying game of action comedy!

Welcome to the AWFULLY CHEERFUL ENGINE! – a roleplaying game of action comedy! Play as a Hero and save the world! Talking animals and aliens, vampires and elves, cowboys and spacemen — the worlds of action cinema and cartoon mayhem are yours!